Onsite Corporate Training

Onsite Corporate Training

Gain the knowledge you need to keep you lift operators and others safe in the workplace.

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Safety First

Safety should be at the forefront of all we do. Staying well informed is the first step. Below are two important links to assist our customers in their effort to maintain a safe work environment.

Safety Standards

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Safety Training

A well-trained workforce is the key to preventing accidents. As a member of the National Safety Council, Toyota Material Handling Systems is proud to offer a wide range of health and safety courses, such as First Aid and CPR instruction, in addition to our operator training curriculum.

We offer comprehensive and extensive safety training. Click here to learn more.

Visit OSHA online here

OSHA Guidelines (1910.178) require Safety Training for all forklift Operators by a trained, knowledgeable, and experienced trainer. They must receive classroom and hands-on training. The employer must certify that operators have been trained and evaluated and maintain records to verify the training. Re-evaluation must be done at least every three years. Refresher/remedial training must be conducted after a near miss, an accident, or if unsafe operation has been observed.


Forklift Operator OSHA Compliance Guarantee

We are now offering the Forklift Operator OSHA Compliance Guarantee. Forklift Operators trained through Toyota Material Handling Systems will be retrained after an accident, hit or near miss at no cost to the company! (One retraining session per operator). This Guarantee keeps your company in Compliance with OSHA Regulation 1910.178 subpart (I)(6)Certification(4)(ii)Refresher Training.

OSHA Regulation 1910.178

Subpart (I), Operator Training

(4) Refresher Training and Evaluation
(ii) Refresher training in relevant topics shall be provided to the operator when:
(a) The operator has been observed operating the vehicle in an unsafe manner.
(b) The operator has been involved in an accident or near miss incident.
(c) The operator has received an evaluation that reveals that the operator is not operating the truck safely.

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